What project are you working on?Tell us who you are and what can we do for you using this form or send us an email info@simpol.es

Whatever you consider more SIMPOL.

It’s us on the other side to help you.

Two generations of the Pol family contributing the best of themselves to place the packaging consulting service in the place it deserves.

Thanks to the experience of those who have been working in the sector for more than 30 years and to the new ways of doing things that new generations bring to the table.

“We must always be open to seeing things from another prism. Change is always an alternative.”

European commercial advisor

“We tend to follow the same pattern when what we should be doing is seeking new points of view.”

Project director

“In the face of challenges, change does not always mean improvement, but to improve you have to make changes.”

Commercial Director

You have already given us a face. Now we would love to meet you.

Tell us your project